Key Advantages of Building a Duplex

Thinking about building your new dream house but not sure which style to choose? The decision is completely up to you. But, Liona Constructions – the ultimate residential builders and one of the best construction companies in Brisbane and the surrounding area – has decided to help you make up your mind.

For that reason, we have come up with the following list of advantages of building a duplex. Hence, let’s have a look at why you should build a duplex instead of a single storey, double storey, split level, or any other house style, especially when it comes to maximising investment and accommodating extended family.

But, what is a duplex actually?

Namely, a duplex is a residential building featuring two homes that have a shared central wall, or two houses on a single block of land which is also referred to as a house behind a house. Nearly all residential builders recommend this type of house because you will have different options if you decide to sell. Indeed, you can sell them together or subdivide the land and sell them separately.

Now, read on and find out what are the key advantages of building a duplex:

Advantages of Building a Duplex

  1. A Great Investment

As we’ve already mentioned, one of the major reasons for building a duplex is the fact that it is a great investment. Asking your builders to build you a duplex will certainly increase funds for your mortgage. There are several ways to make building a duplex a great investment including:

  • First, once your residential builders finish your duplex, you can subdivide it and ell each house separately and thus earn more than you’ve spent.
  • Then, you can also rent either one or both of the units in the duplex depending on whether you will live in one of them. Thus you will achieve a high return of 6% to 7% per annum.
  • Finally, you can earn even double by renting your houses through AirBnB compared to a standard one-year lease. Just make sure you check your options with your local council.
  1. Keep Ageing Parents Close

As we grow older, greater care and support are usually required by our closest family members, especially in case of a health issue. So, if you have ageing parents and want to have them close, building a duplex is what you should go for. By living in two separate units you will still be able to maintain your privacy and lifestyle but still be able to assist quickly when needed or just spend some time together without commuting.

As a bonus, if you have young children and need someone to take care of them while you’re at work, there’s no better choice than their grandparents. Plus, you won’t have to pay for childcare and thus you will again save money.

Still need convincing on building a duplex? Probably not. Now, all you need to do is hiring the best residential builders – Liona Constructions. So, call us today!


5 Features to Look For in a Farmhouse Design

Thinking about living in the country? – Then, you’d better build a farmhouse. People are usually easily drawn to the farmhouse design thanks to space, wonderful views, and tradition it represents. Whatever the reason, farmhouse designs suit well both in rural sites and in the suburbs. Plus, you can always find great modern touches to add to the traditional farmhouse-inspired design and make it even more idyllic.

Therefore, Liona Constructions – the best from the best professional residential builders and construction companies in Brisbane and the area – have decided to help you choose the perfect features to set the scene for a warm, inviting, and homely farmhouse design.

So, let’s find out which five major features to look for in a farmhouse design:

1. Wide Frontage

All residential builders and construction companies will tell you that the must-have feature of a farmhouse-inspired home is wide frontage. This long and low frontage should be anywhere from 25 metre to 35 metre wide and the longest side should obviously be at the side of the street or road. We know that wide frontage requires a big block of land, but, as soon as you see how stunning it looks, you’ll know it’s worth paying a little extra for land.

2. Low Roof Line

Since the farmhouse design has a wide frontage, it is logical that you won’t need a second storey home. Having all of the living space on one storey is quite convenient and the interiors look spacious and voluminous. But, this also implies that the roofline will be also long and low. And, to make the low roofline look higher, you can add a grand gabled porch or a skillion roof to make it more modern.

3. Separated Zones

Besides wide frontage and low roofline, one of the major features to look for in a farmhouse design is zoning. In other words, the layout of a farmhouse-inspired home consists of two main wings. The kitchen and the living area are situated in the center while the two wings come on both sides. The master suite is usually separated in one of the wings, while the other bedrooms are on the other side to ensure maximum privacy. Plus, there’s usually a winter and summer room where you can either find shade on hooter days and sun on colder days accordingly.

4. Spacious Living Area

As we already mentioned, the kitchen and the living room are in the center between the two wings. And, since the kitchen is the heart of a farmhouse-style home, it is quite spacious featuring lots of worktop and storage and a great pantry. The kitchen flows naturally to the living space where you can find lots of sitting options for hosting great parties or family gatherings.

5. Grand Porch

Last but definitely not least, being located in the countryside, a farmhouse-inspired home features a grand porch to take advantage of the great outdoors and enjoy stunning views. The porch is usually sweeping across the front of the house, but optionally, you can also build a deck to enjoy your massive backyard. Whatever you choose, you will enjoy it for sure.

For any other further information, don’t hesitate and contact Liona Constructions today!